Crystals and Essential Oils for Relieving Stress during the Holidays

The Holidays are a time for visiting family and celebrating everything we have to be grateful for. It's also the time of Black Friday, Christmas Shopping, cramming lost of guests into your house and cooking and cleaning for a crowd.

In other words, its a time where we can certainly use some support from our Crystal and Essential Oils to help us stay grounded in Gratitude and focused on the beauty of gathering together with friends and family.

If you twist my arm and make me pick my absolute FAVORITE stress relief tools, here’s what I recommend:


Lapis Lazuli (Connection with the Universe, Deep Peace, Balanced Hormones), Blue Lace Agate (Filters out chaotic energy, Washes away Stress), Smoky Quartz (Helps you to Release Negative Energy), Amethyst for calming emotions and entering a meditative state. Honestly there are SO many more!

Essential Oils:

Peace & Calming is my favorite blend of calming and grounding oils. Stress Away helps you release old thought patterns and replace them with positive affirmations. Live with Passion is my hippie oil that really helps me to center in MY version of success and happiness. And of course there’s the class Lavender or Chamomile!


Creating your own Affirmation can help you stay focused on Gratitude and the reason for the season. Why do YOU love the holidays? Create your own phrase starting with “My Reason for the Season is……” This will help you keep your priorities straight and let those worries fall away.

Want help focusing on Gratitude vs. Stress?

In this video I shared my 5 favorite Essential Oils for Gratitude and a simple exercise to help you release frustration in the midst of the holiday chaos.

What are your favorite ways to manage stress, naturally? Share with me in the comments!


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

Holiday Gift Guide


Cleansing and Caring for your Crystals