Crystal Companions to Ease Anxiety and Depression

There are a myriad number of reasons you may be experiencing anxiety, depression, or both simultaneously. My personal experience involved a struggle with hormone balance and thyroid issues. Through this personal health journey I found profound support through many natural methods, including crystal healing, that I still use to this day.

In today’s blog, I’d love to share with you a few powerful crystal combinations designed to bring comfort and tranquility to your mind and heart.


Aquamarine and Sunstone: Embrace Peace and Joy

Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand, creating a cloud that can be lifted by the harmonious blend of Aquamarine and Sunstone. Our Peace and Joy Spiral Necklace encapsulates the serene energy of Aquamarine and the uplifting warmth of Sunstone, creating a wearable haven of peace and joy. Let this dynamic duo be your daily reminder that calmness is within reach.


Smoky Quartz, Rhodonite, and Amazonite: Gentle Anxiety Relief

When your mind races and your heart feels ill at ease, put on our Love Heals Necklace and experience the soothing energies of Smoky Quartz, Rhodonite, and Amazonite. This trio forms a delicate symphony of grounding, balancing, and emotional healing energies. Together they can guide you toward inner tranquility.


Sacral and Solar Plexus Gems: Relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder

Whether you struggle with depression all year long or mostly suffer from the winter blues, bright orange, yellow, and pink gems can help to relieve depression throughout the year. Our Depression Lifter Necklace is designed to uplift the spirit and bring a sense of renewed vitality. Red Aventurine and Rhodonite work in tandem to dispel the heavy clouds of depression, while Citrine, Sunstone, and Orange Calcite infuse the aura with joyful and invigorating energies. Wear this necklace as a tangible reminder of your commitment to healing, letting the harmonious vibrations of these crystals guide you towards a brighter, more uplifting state of mind.


Kunzite, Larimar, and Labradorite: Everyday Maintenance Gems

What is the perfect combination to wear every single day to lighted your mood? Enter the harmonious fusion of Kunzite, Larimar, and Labradorite. These beauties bring peace, release anger, transmute heavy energy, and infuse your life with light and joyful energy.

Some days you really need to dig deep and deal with the bigger issues causing your anxiety or depression. This is where Obsidian comes in…


Obsidian: A Potent Ally in Aggressive Healing

When a more assertive approach is needed to confront anxiety and depression head-on, Obsidian emerges as a powerful ally. Whether in the form of classic Black Obsidian - or the gentler versions of Snowflake, Mahogany, or Apache Tear Obsidian - these crystals work dynamically to transmute negative energies. Wear them for short bursts to harness their intense healing power and encourage transformative change in your mental landscape. Worn for longer bouts, Obsidian can actually aggravate Anxiety. So if you’d like to wear then throughout the day, either select one of the gentle varieties or pair with balancing crystals that will tame the intensity of Black Obsidian, such as Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, or Labradorite.


Explore all varieties of Obsidian

While crystals can be powerful allies, it's crucial to acknowledge the importance of seeking professional help and consulting with a healthcare provider. A doctor's guidance provides a comprehensive approach to healing, combining the benefits of natural methods like crystal healing with medical expertise, ensuring a more robust and holistic support system on your journey toward tranquility amid the complexities of anxiety and depression.


Shop the entire Crystal Companions Collection

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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