Guided Meditation for Reclaiming Your Energy

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves feeling drained, overwhelmed, or scattered. Our energy becomes dispersed among the myriad of situations, people, and experiences we encounter, leaving us feeling disconnected and fatigued. But what if there was a way to call back that energy, to realign and rebalance, and move through life with our own vitality and clarity? Welcome to a guided meditation that can help you do just that!

This simple practice is designed to help you to recall your energy from any situation, person, or experience that is frustrating you. It works for the good things in life too - when you’re feeling anxious or over-excited about positive things in your present or future. If you have any areas of life where you know you're leaking energy, then you’re going to love this exercise for cutting energetic cords, relieving stress, and reenergizing your day.

The Practice of Energy Recall

The essence of this practice is straightforward – you simply ask for your energy back from whatever is draining it. Whether you say it out loud or think it in your mind, the statement is, "I recall my energy from," and you fill in the blank with the situation, person, or thing.

As you go through this process, you may experience the return of energy in different ways - as a ball or string of light returning from a distance, or perhaps you will feel the energy rushing back. There's no right or wrong way to experience it; trust your senses.


Removing Energy Blocks

Sometimes, you may not feel the energy returning. This can happen when you or the other party involved create a block, preventing the energy from flowing back. In such cases, you can use techniques like our releasing negative energy meditation to help you let go of the blocks.

You may also find that a physical tool helps you to visualize this process. Our Fresh Start Crystal Healing Set is the perfect companion for your energy reclaiming practice. It allows you to easily remove negative energy and reset positive vibes in your space and your own aura.

How to Use:

  1. Cleanse your space with the White Sage Bundle.

  2. As you follow along with the guided meditation, hold the Satin Spar wand in your hands over the top of your head, and slowly pass it down in front of you. If you feel resistance, simply go back over that spot a few times. Repeat this process for all sides of the body.

  3. Finish by meditating for a few minutes with the Blue Calcite in your non-dominant hand to help increase the flow of positive, soothing energy throughout your body.


Staying Grounded in the Present

It's important to note that this practice isn't exclusive to negative situations. It's equally valuable when you're overwhelmed by too many thoughts or are overly excited about future events, making it challenging to stay grounded in the present. For such situations, you can use the affirmation: "I recall my energy from the future. I am focused on the now."

By repeating this affirmation, you can direct your energy away from the distractions and back to the present moment. Additionally, you can tailor the practice to specific events or projects: "I recall my energy from [positive thing]. I am focused on [current project]." This way, you ensure that your energy is concentrated where it's most needed.


Taking Control of Your Energy

Ultimately, this meditation allows you to regain control of your energy, ensuring that it serves you rather than scattering it in different directions. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, distracted, or drained, you have the power to reclaim your energy and focus it on what truly matters.

If you have questions or need further guidance on this practice or other stress relief and energy balancing techniques, don't hesitate to reach out for support. In the end, the goal is to help you lead a life that's clear, focused, and energized!


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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