Harness the Power of the Full Moon with a Releasing Ceremony

Are you seeking a transformative experience to let go of old patterns and negative energy that no longer serve you? Embrace the magic of the Full Moon and unlock its profound potential through a Full Moon Releasing Ceremony. In this blog post, we will explore the why and how of performing a Full Moon Ceremony.

Why Perform a Full Moon Ceremony?

Throughout history, cultures worldwide have revered the Full Moon for its energy and significance. The Full Moon marks the peak of its lunar cycle, symbolizing completion, abundance, and heightened emotions. By harnessing this potent energy, you can let go of the past and invite positive change into your life. A Full Moon Ceremony provides an opportunity for deep introspection, allowing you to release limiting beliefs, fears, and negativity, paving the way for personal growth and manifestation.

Preparing for the Full Moon Ceremony

Before you begin your Full Moon Releasing Ceremony, gather the following items:

  1. Paper and Pen: Use these to jot down everything you are ready to release.

  2. Lighter and Fire-Safe Bowl: After your ceremony you will safely burn the paper, symbolizing the release of what no longer serves you.

  3. Crystals and Essential Oils: Crystals and essential oils can enhance the ceremony's energy and aid in the releasing process.

    Recommended crystals for this practice include Clear Quartz, Mahogany or Black Obsidian, Rhodonite, Fire Quartz, and Indigo Gabbro. Need these crystals for your collection? You can find them here.

    Essential oils such as Chamomile, Lavender, or Inner Child blend will beautifully complement your experience.

The Full Moon Releasing Ceremony

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of performing a Full Moon Releasing Ceremony, inspired by Erin's guided meditation workshop:

  1. Set the Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can be undisturbed during the ceremony. Create a sacred atmosphere by cleansing the space with a Selenite wand, Mugwort Herb Bundle, or Frankincense.

  2. Ground Yourself: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Picture roots extending from your body into the Earth, grounding you firmly in the present moment.

  3. Identify What to Release: Ask yourself, "What am I ready to release tonight?" Allow the answers to flow naturally. Some emotions and beliefs may be hidden, so be patient with yourself.

  4. Meditate on Release: Enter into a deeper meditation, exploring the thoughts and emotions that hold you back. Visualize these burdens lifting, leaving you feeling lighter and freer.

  5. Write and Burn: Take your pen and paper and write down all that you wish to release. Once done, safely burn the paper in the fire-safe bowl, watching the flames release these limitations into thin air.

  6. Affirmations: Replace the released energy with positivity and abundance. Repeat affirmations such as "I choose love," "I choose joy," and "I manifest abundance."

  7. Embrace Your Crystal: Select a crystal from your collection that resonates with you. Carry it with you for the rest of the evening, allowing its energy to support your intentions.

Take the Next Step: Guided Full Moon Releasing Ceremony

Ready to dive deeper and release more? Enhance your experience with Erin's powerful guided meditation. In this ceremony, she will expertly guide you through each step, helping you release old, stuck, and negative energy. Embrace the Full Moon's energy and start your journey towards reaching your highest potential.


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Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.


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