Crystals for New Moons

Are you ready to Manifest with the Moon?! Then grab these crystals and get set for a powerful New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony!

In today's video I share my favorite crystals for the New Moon Ritual + How to Cleanse and Charge your Crystals to help you Manifest those goals with more grace, speed, and ease.

Crystals for New Moons

There are actually two different ways that you can apply crystals to your personal New Moon Ceremony.

  1. Ceremonial….

If you do a pretty traditional New Moon intention setting ceremony, you already know that new moons are time of

  • regeneration

  • new beginnings

  • transformation

  • setting new goals

  • creating momentum

So you can pick crystals that align with that sense of clarity of setting intention of envisioning what's ahead of you. And so those would be third eye or crown chakra crystals. These purple, white, and clear crystals bring a boost to your intention setting ceremony, by increasing your sense of clarity, intuition, and connection with your highest self.

If you've never done a New Moon Ceremony before, but would like to, I actually have a free guide that walks you through the different steps. You can use that every single New Moon. If you’d like me to guide you through the process, you can grab my New Moon Intention Setting Workshop.

2. Goal-Oriented….

Once you finish your ceremony, you’ll want to start working on that goal. Now, you can pick a crystal that will support reaching that goal.

Here are a few examples:

Once you’ve chosen your crystal you’ll want to cleanse and charge it so it has all of that energy of that goal built into it. So this is really a great two step process, starting with that intention setting ceremony, then going and picking the crystal that will work for that particular goal.

Then once you have cleansed and charged the crystal you're going to work with for this moon cycle, then you want to make sure you put it in a special place. Wear your crystals as jewelry, place them in the room where you’ll be working toward your goal, or create a crystal grid to amplify the energy even more.

Now you’ve got lots of options to play with for your next New Moon Ceremony. Which of these is speaking to you most? Share with us in the comments!

Download my New Moon Ceremony Guide to walk you through the tools, tips, and ceremony process.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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