Connect To Your Future Self with our Quantum Manifesting Meditation

Move beyond space and time and get in touch with your future through the quantum realm.

At the quantum level, everything is connected. Today we use this connection to tune into the vibration of our future success.

Through astral travel, we will visit that that future reality, where we have already accomplished our dreams. Then we will draw that energy back with us into the present so that we can become our future selves with more grace, speed, and ease. 

Before we begin, make sure you are comfortable sitting or lying down in a safe, quiet space. 

Boost your Meditation with Crystals + Oils:

You may choose to diffuse essential oils such as Ravitsara, Black Spruce, or Believe or Into the Future Blend, to enhance your experience throughout our meditation. You might also hold a crystal such as Labradorite for embracing the magic of this experience or if you’d like to maintain some grounding as you travel in the quantum realm, try Fire Quartz

What an amazing journey! We got a sneak peek into some wonderful things to come, and we’ve brought back a new confidence in our success. I’m so excited for you to reenter the rest of your day with new energy, joy, and confidence. 

Remember, you can always choose to see your future, to enjoy NOW with gratitude, wonder, and joy all the beautiful things that are to come. 

You can also choose to bring that vision, that knowledge, and that hope back with you.

A great way to remember the energy of your Future Success is to repeat our Affirmation:  

“As I tune into my full potential,

my future Abundance is NOW.”

Close your eyes, repeat at least three times, concentrating on feeling the emotion and energy of ABUNDANCE.

You can repeat this Affirmation any time you feel your belief, determination, and motivation slipping. It will help you to realign and reignite your passion for achieving that big dream!

It’s been an honor to share this sacred time and space with you today.

Until next time, Love and Blessings.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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