Affirmations to Connect with Your Highest Self

Our highest self represents our true essence, unclouded by doubts, fears, or external influences. Connecting with this inner wisdom allows us to navigate life with clarity, purpose, and authenticity. It aligns us with our deepest desires and aspirations, fostering a sense of harmony and fulfillment.

Affirmations are potent tools for reshaping our mindset and inviting positive energy into our lives. By repeating affirmations that resonate with our intentions, we reinforce empowering beliefs and cultivate a mindset conducive to growth and manifestation.

Let us begin.

Repeat each affirmation after me. Allow yourself to fully immerse in each affirmation. Feel the resonance of the words as they affirm your innate potential, wisdom, and capacity for growth. Trust in the process, knowing that you are supported by the universe and guided by love.

You can listen again to this entire meditation as many times as you want until you truly feel connected with your highest self and your full potential.


Enhancing Your Practice

While repeating these affirmations, you can enhance your experience by incorporating the healing energies of crystals and essential oils. Crystals like Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, and Howlite are known for their abilities to amplify intentions, promote spiritual connection, and foster inner harmony. Similarly, essential oils such as Lavender, Frankincense, Ravintsara and Black Spruce can aid in relaxation, clarity, and spiritual alignment.


Other Meditations Recommended For You

For more guided meditations, check out our Insight Timer recordings or our YouTube playlist. Especially beneficial for connecting with your highest self are below:

Guided Meditation for Connecting with your Highest Self | Howlite and Amethyst Crown Chakra Crystal

Connecting with your Future Self | 20 minute Guided Quantum Jump Manifesting Meditation

RECLAIM YOUR ENERGY | Cord Cutting Guided Meditation | POWERFUL Stress Relief Practice for Empaths

Thanks you for joining me for this Affirmation practice. Take this energy with you today. And be on the lookout for inspiration. Listen to your intuition and take action so that you can fulfill your highest purpose.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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