Guided Meditation for Connecting with your Highest Self | Howlite + Amethyst

Thank you for joining me for another Guided Crystal Meditation! Today we will use the energy of Howlite and Amethyst to help you connect with your Highest Self.

Howlite and Amethyst are my personal favorite combination for achieving a higher state, receiving inspiration, and gaining wisdom for my life.

Whenever I use this combination I find it so much easier to access and connect with my Highest Self. In today’s meditation I will guide you through this connection process, so that you can access your Highest Self whenever you desire.

Settle into a comfortable position in a space where you can have several minutes of uninterrupted peace and quiet. You can hold your crystals, one in each hand. Or you may choose to lie down and place your Amethyst on your 3rd eye and your Howlite right above.

Want to try using the energy of even more crystals to boost your Meditation practice? Find all our Guided Meditations here!



  1. CRYSTALS: To boost this guided practice, you can use your favorite Meditation Crystals, holding them in your non-dominant hand, which receives energy.

  2. ESSENTIAL OILS: You can also diffuse Clarity or Highest Potential essential oil. Clarity helps you to focus, while Highest Potential engages your spirit in this sacred moment and helps facilitate the connection with your highest self.

  3. CRYSTALS + OILS: If you’d like to go a step further and combine the power of crystals and oils together, use our Meditation Crystal Roller and apply to your temples and forehead. You can also roll onto your palms and then cup over your nose as you breathe deeply throughout the meditation.

Sneak Peak at our Favorite Meditation Crystals:

Meditation is such a powerful healing practice, helping you reduce stress, find inspiration, raise your vibration, and much more. Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Howlite make a perfect trio for enhancing your Meditation practice. Together they will increase focus, boost intuition, and create a peaceful environment.

Ready to learn more about combining crystals and essential oils to boost your meditation and other healing practices? Grab a copy of our Crystal + Oil Synergies Recipe Book!


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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