15 Morning Affirmations to Increase Your Positive Momentum

Start your day with Joy, Clarity, and Confidence. Repeat these 15 Morning Affirmations before getting out of bed or while you get ready for your day.

For this collection, I chose some of my favorites that I've created for my crystal jewelry + I snagged several from my amazing community over in the Facebook Group. Thanks y'all for helping me create this! :)

We'll go through the Affirmations a few times together, and then feel free to start over as many times as you want to help you REALLY solidify that positive momentum!

Download all 15 Affirmations so you can say them every day!

Download all 15 Affirmations so you can say them every day!

I hope you enjoyed that! Let me know in the comments!

A dear friend told me recently, “You know you can say Good Morning! and start fresh ANY time of the day?”

I LOVE that!

So whether you repeat these Affirmations in the morning or evening, they are a great way to boost your positive momentum and help you make the most of each day of life.


Want to use Crystals and Oils to boost the Manifesting Power of this Meditation?

Top 5 Crystals for Building Positive Momentum

Bonus Affirmation + my absolute favorite Crystal Combo for Boosting Positive Momentum!

Bonus Affirmation + my absolute favorite Crystal Combo for Boosting Positive Momentum!

  1. Blue Apatite: Motivation, Drive, and Manifesting Power

  2. Carnelian: Hope, Mood Lift, Passion for Life

  3. Magnetic Hematite: Confidence, Blood Flow, Energy Balance

  4. Citrine: Cleanse the Chakras, Increase Joy, Attract Abundance

  5. Tiger Eye: High Vibrations, Grounding, Goal Completion

Top 5 Essential Oils for Building Positive Momentum

  1. Citrus Oils, especially Bergamot: Mood Lift, Happiness, Self Belief

  2. Ginger: Attract Abundance, Boost Solar Plexus

  3. Peppermint: Awakening, Boosts Clarity, Starts Digestion

  4. Rose: Focus on Love, Softens Emotions, Increases Compassion

  5. Helichrysum: Clarifies Thought, Supports Brain Function and Nervous System

In case you want to hang the Affirmations where you can see them throughout the day, I created a downloadable PDF for you! Grab it here.

Wishing you a day full of love, joy, and abundance!


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.


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