Science of Crystal Healing | Top 3 Myths

I recently had the delight and honor to be featured on the Magical Realness podcast, for their Spirituality 101 series.

Before we dive into the episode, here’s a little intro from podcast host, Brittany Marie:

Have you ever listened to a podcast episode on crystals and left it more confused than before? Or completely dazed and ready to fall asleep? Well, I’m raising my hand and letting you know that I’ve been there. And it is a drag, IMO. For me, there’s a conversation that seems to happen before these episodes begin, and it makes things v confusing. So I invited Erin Hollon – someone who is so crazy in the know about crystals – so that we could have that conversation. You’re welcome!

As a bonus, you’re also going to learn why affirmations are so powerful and how they affect us.

Today I’d like to share with you 3 Crystal Myths that we busted during this episode.



Crystals are only for Sages and Witches

This myth basically says you can only use crystals to grid your house with, protect the space around you, and wear as a talisman. And only if you are a sage or a witch.

This is false. Crystals can be used for all sorts of practices – like affirmations, energy centering, visualizations, healing, adornment, and so much more! Embracing the versatility of crystals shatters the notion that they are limited to the domains of mysticism and metaphysical practices. These exquisite gems can seamlessly integrate into modern life, enriching experiences, and fostering a deeper connection to the Earth's energies. From enhancing personal well-being to supporting physical and emotional healing, crystals offer a diverse range of applications beyond the confines of outdated myths.

Let’s take as an example how Quartz's potent attributes stretch far beyond mystical paradigms. This crystal holds a unique place in both ancient healing methods and modern technological marvels. Its exceptional vibrational stability serves as an ideal vessel for absorbing, storing, and releasing information. This trait has been put to great use by integrating Quartz into the manufacture of computer chips, radio transmitters, receivers, and watches to name just a few of the many applications.

Crystals are not just reserved for spiritual gurus and mystical practitioners. Their intrinsic properties, harmonized with our intentions, open up a realm of possibilities that transcend outdated myths. By appreciating the intersection of science, nature, and human intention, we can dismantle barriers and embrace the full spectrum of crystal potential.



Crystals will only work for you if you believe they will.

This myth claims that the power of crystals is all in your mind and your thoughts control the way they affect you. 

That is called The Placebo Effect, and the assertion that crystal healing is only a placebo is a misunderstanding of a complex interplay between science, energy, and human intention.

While it's true that thoughts and intention wield influence, it's important to distinguish this from the inherent energetic properties of crystals. Crystals emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and possess their own magnetism and energy force. These attributes are unaffected by whether we consciously believe in their power or not.

The belief-driven effectiveness of crystals is not about changing the nature of crystals themselves, but rather about tuning our own vibrations to resonate with their energies. Think of it as a harmonization process. Just like tuning a musical instrument, aligning our intentions with the properties of a crystal amplifies the potential outcomes. For instance, wearing a rose quartz while focusing on self-compassion creates a synergy between your intention and the crystal's innate vibrations. This coalescence amplifies the vibration, expanding the impact on your emotional state.

While positive intentions can enhance the resonance between our energies and those of the crystals, conversely, if our thoughts are dominated by negativity, they can create a discordant energy clash that hampers the crystal's potential effect.

By delving into the science behind crystals and embracing our own transformative power, we can harness their energies to propel our journeys of healing and growth. Learn more in our FREE Crystals 101 Email Course.

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Crystal Healing is Extremely Complicated and Expensive

This one really frustrates me! It implies that you have to memorize hundreds of the different crystal properties and have a large collection of crystals to receive an impact. This is grossly inaccurate. Yet, it's a sentiment that often creeps in when engaging with discussions about crystals, leaving us daunted and overwhelmed. The truth is, you don't need to cram a multitude of random facts into your memory. The essential gateway to begin lies in recognizing the color of the crystal. Let’s demystify this myth and provide you with a simpler approach.

Color as a Guiding Light

Let's take the example of Aquamarine – a soothing blue crystal. Looking at the Chakra System, you know that blue aligns with the Throat Chakra and therefore corresponds to communication and self-expression. The nerve ganglia in this region control the thyroid, a gland crucial for vocal expression and metabolism regulation. So if you’re looking for help with any of these emotional of physical issues, look for a blue crystal. Or if you have a blue crystal, like Aquamarine and want to quickly check its benefits, look info on the corresponding chakra, in this case the Throat Chakra.

The Chakra System is a map that guides you through the intricate network of energy centers in the body. When you identify a crystal's color, you're essentially pinpointing its corresponding chakra. For instance, Citrine, with its warm yellow hue, relates to the Solar Plexus, governing issues related to personal power and digestion. By acknowledging this connection, you can intuitively select crystals that align with the specific chakra and its associated attributes.

Armed with the knowledge of colors and their chakra affiliations, you can confidently venture into crystal shops or online platforms to choose stones that resonate with your intentions. This simplified approach eliminates the need for exhaustive memorization and empowers you to harness the benefits of crystals effectively. By focusing on color and chakra alignment, you're equipped with a strong foundation to begin your crystal journey – a gateway that is simple, accessible, and inviting.

Delve Deeper with Our Intro to Crystals Workshop

Ready to take your crystal journey to the next level? Join our transformative "Intro to Crystals Healing Online Workshop" where you'll experience hands-on engagement with crystals, guided by the science behind their remarkable effects. Discover the art of combining crystals with other potent healing modalities and gain essential insights into proper crystal care.

Uncover the secrets of safely merging crystals with the world of essential oils, enhancing both their power and your well-being. Our workshop offers a comprehensive gateway to dive deeper into crystal wisdom, empowering you to harness their energies for personal growth, healing, and transformation.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

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