Abundance Meditation with Green Aventurine | Guided Crystal Meditation

Welcome to another Guided Crystal Meditation with Ivy+Light. It’s a pleasure to have you join me today as we focus on Abundance.

There are 3 powerful ways to attract more Abundance into your life, and for the next few minutes we will focus on those powerful concepts of GRATITUDE, OPENNESS, and CLARITY.

Before we begin, go ahead and get comfortable in your favorite calm and quiet space. If you have an Abundance crystal, such as Aventurine, place your crystal in your non-dominant hand. This will allow its energy to flow easily into your body and throughout your aura as we meditate together.



  1. CRYSTALS: To boost this guided practice, you can use your favorite Abundance Crystals, such as Aventurine, Citrine, and Carnelian, holding them in your non-dominant hand, which receives energy.

  2. ESSENTIAL OILS: You can also diffuse Abundance blend or Ginger + Cinnamon Bark oils to create an atmosphere of empowerment, warmth, and success.

  3. CRYSTALS + OILS: If you’d like to go a step further and combine the power of crystals and oils together, use our Abundance Crystal Roller and apply to your Solar Plexus. You can also roll onto your palms and then cup over your nose as you breathe deeply throughout the meditation.


Another Method for Attracting Abundance:

What about AFTER your meditation? How can you keep this energy flowing and attracting joy and success over the long term? My favorite way to create a consistent Abundance energy within a space is by creating a crystal grid. When you arrange your crystals in a specific pattern, you can add the power of Sacred Geometry to your crystal vibrations.

Curious to learn more? Check out our Abundance Crystal Grid Workshop for step-by-step instructions!


Ready to learn more about combining crystals and essential oils to boost your meditation and other healing practices?

Grab a copy of our Crystal + Oil Synergies Recipe Book!

Do you meditate on the Insight Timer App? Here’s how to add this meditation to your Playlist.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.


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