Joyful Rutilated Garden Quartz Faceted Pendant Necklace



This luscious faceted Garden Quartz pendant is filled with colorful inclusion of deep green, copper, and silver, creating a little garden-world inside.

This uncommon “rutilated” variety shares many properties with Citrine, such as energizing, raising vibration, and providing relief from depression. In addition, Rutilated Quartz is often used for spiritual connection work, including scrying and channeling. In this pendant you also get the beautiful green and copper energies of vitality, good fortune, and connection with the earth.

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    • Faceted Rultilated Garden Quartz Pendant

    • This crystal is raw, untreated and ethically sourced

    • Copper wire wrapping

    • Copper Chain and Gold filled Lobster Clasp, choose your length

    • Sage cleansed / Reiki Infused with a custom Affirmation to boost the Crystal Properties

    • Package includes Affirmation and Crystal Properties Cards

    Ships from Ivy+Light within 3-5 business days.

  • • High vibrations boost your manifesting power

    • Enhances communication skills and intuition

    • Increases connection to the spiritual realm

    • Also connects with Earth energies

    • Cleanses the aura and improves your surrounding environment as well

  • "I am surrounded by High Vibrations. I am connected to the Earth. I am filled with Joy.”

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About Lula May Design

Lula May Design reiki-infused crystal jewelry is handcrafted by Ivy+Light founder Erin Hollon. Since college Erin has looked to natural medicine, alternative healing, and balanced living to improve her quality of life. After facing several debilitating health issues and learning how to heal her body naturally, her true passion for helping others took on a laser beam focus: to help everyone understand how our emotions and spirit are connected to our health, and how crystals and essential oils can help us achieve true health and wellness.

Through her jewelry design, it is Erin’s goal to help you embrace your true power. Once this power opens up, you will be able to create the life you desire and deserve!

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