Tiger Eye


An Introduction to Tiger Eye

The naming of Tiger Eye is fairly self explanatory - this gemstone matches the powerful energy, appearance, and fierceness of the Tiger. This stone, also called Tigers Eye or Tiger’s Eye, contains reddish-brown shades with golden stripes. The surface of the stone is often silky and shimmery above its dark opacity. Tiger Eye is part of the Chalcedony family, making it a distant relative of other popular crystals, such as Agate, Carnelian, and Onyx.

Throughout history Tiger Eye’s attributed benefits included strength, courage, and bravery. In ancient Egypt, they believed Tiger Eye could capture the power of the sun god Ra. The Romans prized this powerful gemstone for its strength and physical protection, utilizing Tiger Eye during combat. In many other cultures, Tiger Eye was often used for protection against bad luck and curses.

Tiger Eye contains a natural balance of sun and earth energies, providing high vibrations, as well as grounding. It is fantastic for focus and goal completion. The dark brown hues help you to ground through the root chakra, while the gold flash energizes the solar plexus, drawing in abundance. With this balance you have a grounded energy constantly moving you forward to complete your big goals and dreams.


 Healing properties and Benefits 



  • Increases focus and motivation, helps reduce distractions

  • Allows you take inspired action towards your goals

  • Helps to organize scattered thoughts


  • Heals throat and reproductive organs

  • Aids in bone repair and night vision


  • Helps to lift mood and alleviate depression

  • Helps to resolve inner conflicts brought on by pride


  • Enhances abundance and good fortune

  • Balance of high vibrations and grounding

Top 3 Alternative uses


Adventure Life and Wanderlust

Whether it’s a new milestone in life or travelling the world, pair Tiger Eye, with Moonstone, and Aventurine for protection, good fortune and success at the start of any journey.

Affirmation: “I am ready to take the next step on my journey, expand my horizons, and celebrate all the adventure along the way!”


Motivation and Goal Completion

Are you setting goals and then not following through on them? Do you get excited at the beginning of the week and then lose steam halfway through?

Pair Tiger Eye and Mookaite Jasper to support realistic goal creation, moments of inspiration, and hours of motivated and effective action. Get motivated, stay motivated, and knock your goals out of the park.

Affirmation: “I am full of opportunity. I stretch. I strive. I grow. I turn opportunity into success!"


Enhance creativity

Amethyst is considered the Artist's stone! Perfect for finding new inspiration in any creative endeavor. Pair Tiger Eye with Blue Apatite, and Amethyst to boost your energy and creativity to take inspired action.

Affirmation: "My energy is Focused. I take Inspired Action every day, completing each step on the way to my success."


 Shop Tiger Eye

Manifesting with Crystal Grids - Abundance Kit and Workshop
from $50.00
Crystal Options:
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Goal Completion Tumbled Stone | Tiger Eye
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Success Bracelet | Mookaite, Citrine, and Tiger Eye
Only 1 left in stock
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Bright Future Spiral Necklace | Tiger Eye, Citrine, Green Aventurine
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Success Spiral Necklace | Mookaite Jasper and Tiger Eye
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