

An Introduction to Sunstone

The warm, radiant hues of the Sunstone crystal closely resembles the sun, hence the name. According to Greek and Egyptian stories, it is believed that Sunstone was a gift from the sun god Ra.

Sunstone is a member of the Feldspar family, which exhibits a glittery effect, much like Aventurine. This aventurescense is caused by inclusions of Hematite, Goethite or Pyrite. Tiny inclusions of these minerals cause both opaqueness and pigmentation within the translucent body of the gem, while larger inclusions create the mesmerizing light refractions. Sunstone can take on a variety of shades, ranging from orange, gold, red and brown.

Sunstone helps you feel empowered to make the decisions that are best for you. One key element of this empowering stone is its ability to help you remove emotional "hooks" from other people that drain your energy. This in turn allows you to make the best decisions for your own highest good.


 Healing properties and Benefits 



  • Enhances independence, and confidence so you can focus on what is best for you

  • Maintain a positive mindset, beneficial for cutting-ties with people or patterns that are dragging you down


  • Enhances vitality and provides pain relief

  • Helps to treat chronic sore throat and ulcers


  • Removes emotional "hooks" that drain your energy

  • Uplifts and alleviates dark moods, as well as seasonal affective disorder and depression

  • Powerful at lifting and transmuting depressive emotions


  • Promotes trust in your intuition

  • Brings abundance and good fortune

  • Connects you to the regenerative powers of the sun

Top 3 Alternative uses


Positive Momentum

Embrace the power of the sun, moon and sky! Pair Sunstone, Moonstone, and Sapphire to help you maintain your positive momentum as you get closer to your goal each day!

Your dreams and goals are just down the road. It's time to step forward and enjoy the journey. Keep your head high, your eyes on the prize, and your heart full of hope and joy.

Affirmation: “My eyes are on the prize. I step forward with a heart full of hope and joy.”


Release Negative Energy

Pair Sunstone with Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, and Emerald to boost positivity for times fear and uncertainty.

Smoky Quartz helps you release undirected energies, negativity, and fear.

Sunstone helps maintain a positive mindset.

Carnelian helps you remain grounded and replaces negativity with a Lust for Life.

Emerald inspires mental clarity and a deep inner knowing, helping you celebrate every success, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Affirmation: "I focus on the positive. I remain confident. I am grateful for every success."


Boost Creative Passion

Carnelian is a beautiful combination of Grounding and High Energy / Motivation and Steadfastness. This Sacral Chakra stone helps you gain clarity in meditation and trust the insights you receive.

Sunstone is an even more positive and joyful stone, full of empowerment and optimism. One key element is it's ability to help you remove emotional "hooks" from other people that drain your energy. Together these stones help you trust yourself and understand what is best for YOUR life.  Once you know where you are headed, this combo will help get you there through Positive Mindset and Determination. 

Affirmation: "I am filled with Passion, leading me upward to great accomplishments and worthy goals."


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Smoky Quartz


Tiger Eye