Using Crystals to Boost your Manifesting

So how do crystals help you Manifest? 

Let’s look at our Formula for Success and see where crystals fit in…

Energy + Effort + Environment = Result


We know that crystals have unique frequencies, and when we bring them into our Electromagnetic Field, our fairly changeable human frequencies adjust to these more stable and desirable frequencies. So it’s simple to understand how crystals help us with the ENERGY part of the equation: choose what energy you want to create and pick the crystal that corresponds. Keep it near your body (wear or carry) and you will reap the benefits of the crystal energy and begin to resonate in alignment with this energy that you desire. 


My favorite crystals for helping me take Inspired Action are those for focus and motivation. Great focus crystals are Clear Quartz (clear thinking), Amethyst (Inspiration), Purple Fluorite (Seeing the Positive Possibilities), Tiger Eye (Goal Completion), and Smoky Quartz (releasing overwhelm, anxiety, and negative thoughts that get in the way of taking action and thinking clearly).


In the same way that crystals can effect our human frequencies, they also effect any environment in which you place them. So all you need to do is decide what environment you want to create (focused, peaceful, calm, happy, etc) and then place the corresponding crystal within that space, giving it instructions to create that environment you desire (this is called “programming” your crystal…. More details on that another day 


Not only do the crystals directly effect your energy, help you take inspired action, and maintain a healthy environment… they also help keep you focused on the desired result. Any time you see your crystals, you are reminded of their purpose. This reminder is powerful for keeping your eyes on the path ahead. 

So there you go! Now that you know the breakdown of how crystals help you manifest success, what is a new way you can use crystals that you haven’t fully taken advantage of yet? Share with us in the comments!

Keep Learning

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you build a profitable website, with ease! I do because I believe everyone has a right to the education and support needed to execute their mission.

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