

An Introduction to Diamond

Diamonds are one of the 4 precious gemstones, along with Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby. These gemstones are traditionally considered the most valuable and sought after in the world. This perceptions has shifted some in recent years, as other rare gemstones have gained popularity, and as brides choose non-traditional color palettes for their engagement rings.

Diamonds symbolize clarity, purity, and illumination, harmonizing the body with divine light and energy at the crown chakra and encouraging a state of divine consciousness and enlightenment.

Diamond facets reflect and refract all 7 color-spectrum rays, creating both their beauty and their respect as a healing entity.

The Buddha described reaching a state of illumination as 'diamond mind' because of diamond’s representation of the highest expression of white light and universal light.

Diamonds are often substituted with Danburite, although a closer “healing properties” substitute might be Clear Quartz. In jewelry Herkimer Diamonds are a popular, less expensive, replacement. These gemstones are not actually diamonds, but are six sided, double terminated quartz, found specifically in Herkimer, New York.


 Healing properties and Benefits



  • Creative stone, helps to enhance imagination and inventiveness

  • Links the intellect with the Higher Mind

  • Clears mental pain


  • Used to treat eyesight and glaucoma

  • Used to treat allergies and chronic conditions

  • Helps rebalance metabolism


  • Helps strengthen the bonds of matrimony, imparts feelings of fortitude, fearlessness and invincibility

  • Brings love and clarity to a relationship

  • Clears emotional pain


  • Symbolizes wholeness, purity, clarity and abundance

  • Amplifies all energy within its vicinity (both positive and negative) does not need recharging

  • Cleanses aura allowing inner light to shine


Crown, harmonizing all chakras

Crystal Pairings

Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz


What is Herkimer Diamond?

Herkimer Diamonds are not true Diamonds but are doubly terminated Quartz crystals first discovered, and primarily sourced, in Herkimer County, New York. They are revered for their exceptional clarity and ability to enhance inner clarity, spiritual growth, and psychic abilities. Herkimer Diamonds are often used in meditation and energy work to amplify intentions and promote self-discovery.

Crystal Properties

• Purifies energies

• Relieves exhaustion

• Assists healing from old emotional traumas

• Boosts immune system

• Enhances focus and meditation

• Use for Intention Setting

Recommended Affirmation

“Pure, fresh energy flows through me. I am calm and clear as I move ahead.”



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