

An Introduction to Labradorite

Labradorite is a member of the Feldspar group of minerals, which are identifiable by their aluminum, oxygen and silicon atoms paired with other additives.

It was officially discovered in Labrador, Canada in 1770, although references are made to this highly revered stone in Inuit tribal legends.

As a member of the plagioclase Feldspar sub group, Labradorite contains both sodium and calcium additives, ranging from a 30/70 to 50/50 split of pure albite, Na(AlSi3O8) and pure anorthite, Ca(Al2Si2O8).

Other Plagioclase varieties of Feldspar include Sunstone. While Moonstone is a more distant potassium Feldspar relative, Rainbow Moonstone is actually a combination of Moonstone with Labradorite.

This plagioclase family of gems is made up of stacks of thin crystal with their molecules arranged in opposite directions. This causes fine parallel line, called striations, to form.

Labradorite is remarkable for the way in which its striations refract light, creating flashes of blue, gold, pale green or copper red. Known as “labradorescence” this iridescent effect takes its name right from this gemstone.

Labradorite is usually grey, with often a greenish tint and blue flash. Less common are the other flash colorations, such as Purple Labradorite. Another unique combination is Sunset Labradorite which features orange, yellow, pink, and even hints of purple flash.

 Healing properties and Benefits



  • Improves your timing in your words and actions

  • Calms an overactive mind and helps with creativity and imagination.

  • Aids in introspection and contemplation


  • Aids in metabolism and helps treat eye and brain disorders

  • Helps lower blood pressure and balances hormones


  • Companion through times of change and transformation

  • Relieves stress, removes fears and insecurities


  • Helps you to trust the Universe and your Higher Self

  • Provides protection from negative energy of those around you

  • Removes other people's projections from your Aura and protects from psychic attack

  • Improves your intuition and ethereal inspiration

 Top 3 Alternatives Uses


Sleep Support

Combine Amethyst, Kunzite and Labradorite for returning to ease and relaxation after a long day. Add some lavender oil to your bedtime routine for even more sleep support.

Amethyst and Labradorite are known to help ward off unsettling dreams and serve as a reminder that some deep breaths allow us to ease our worries as we drift off to sleep.

Affirmation: "I release the thoughts of the day. I am ready for relaxation and a good night's sleep."



Pair Labradorite with Obsidian to protect yourself from negative energy. Labradorite strengthens your trust in the Universe and protects from negative energy coming from both inside and out. Obsidian will help ground and protect against electromagnetic smog and other environmental stresses.

When you feel negative energy approaching imagine a shield of protective energy flowing out from your crystals and enveloping your physical, spiritual, and emotional self. Breathe and repeat your Affirmation.

Affirmation: “I trust the Universe to protect me from negativity and lead me on the path that is best for me.”


Personal Transformation

Whether it's the beginning of a new season or the start of a new goal, we all know what it feels like to be at that point where we have to let go of anything holding us back, release old habits, and step forward into a new journey.

In these moments, it is so important to have as much support as possible. Labradorite, paired with Green Fluorite and Aventurine, provide you with the energy to release the old and replace it with new and higher vibrations.

Affirmation: " It's time to let go of the past, start fresh, and move forward with faith in myself that I CAN make my dreams come true!"


Shop Labradorite

Protection Spiral Necklace | Labradorite and Obsidian
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Sunset Labradorite Hearts | Sun and Moon Energies
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Inner Magic Earrings | Chrysoprase, Sapphire, and Labradorite
Sale Price:$89.99 Original Price:$99.95
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Labradorite Palm Stones | Transformation
from $8.00
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New Beginnings Spiral Earrings | Labradorite, Green Fluorite, and Aventurine
from $74.95
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