Do your beliefs effect your ability to heal?

Have you ever wondered, “Is Crystal Healing REAL or just wishful thinking?”

You’ve probably had someone tell you, “Essential Oils only work because you BELIEVE they will.”

Let’s talk about it!

We’re going to GET REAL about the Placebo Effect and whether or not that’s all you’re experiencing when you use natural healing methods.

By the end of our chat you won’t have to cringe anymore when your friends distrust your favorite healing methods. You’ll know how to explain the science behind crystals and oils and give the real answer for how our beliefs affect our healing experience.

What is the definition of the Placebo Effect?

The Placebo Effect is “a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.”

So basically your body was able to heal without the help of medication. 

Is this really so surprising?

Your body has a natural healing process. With zero input from you, your body is always trying to achieve homeostasis. If your body CAN heal it will. But does belief (or disbelief) really have anything to do with it? Watch the video and leave any questions and comments for me below!

If you enjoyed this workshop and want to learn more about healing with Crystals and Oils, then you’re ready for our Crystals + Oils Blueprint Course! Learn all about it here.


Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

Look Book for our October Collection


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