Sharing Your Guided Meditations on Insight Timer

There are some people you encounter in life with whom you form immediate bonds, whether it be through an emotional connection, a mutual belief system, similar interests and passions, etc. and there’s a certain treasure to be found in such relationships.

Maybe you’re the same way, but I don’t let just any and everybody into my inner circle, especially when it’s a safe place to share my thoughts, dreams, hopes, and concerns. Not every circle overlaps so concentrically, you see. It takes a special individual to bridge that divide, and I find that those who make it across the chasm become trusted and esteemed companions for life’s adventures.

That being said, it has been an absolute honor to introduce you to Insight Timer – the best meditation pal you will ever meet – and bring you into our valued circle. Even with all our various backgrounds and life experiences, there is a commonality in our desire to achieve peace, attain spiritual wellbeing, emotional equilibrium and/or holistic health. Within this community, we have found like-minded souls with whom we can blossom and grow through meditations and light-breaking moments along our individual – yet interwoven – inspirational journeys.

In case you missed our introductory post to the Insight Timer app, you can go back and get acquainted!

You’ll also want to join our Ivy + Light community – known on Insight Timer as our Heal + Grow Circle – where we share so much wonderful energy and positive vibrations that help to transform our lives on a daily basis.


Where to next?

Along your meditation journey, you may have developed a tranquil pace that suits where you are in life with your personal goals, or you may have discovered yourself accelerating beyond others you met in the circles you entered. Perhaps you’ve found yourself wondering what your next big adventure will be… or even taking the lead on a spiritual expedition or two, guiding others through a group practice.

This could very well be the sign you’ve been seeking... you know, the one confirming it’s time for you to start writing and sharing your own Guided Meditations.


“If not us, who?

If not now, when?”


Would anyone want to hear from me?

Absolutely! It may seem like such a lofty attainment to start uploading your own meditations to Insight Timer, but the truth is, each of us brings a unique perspective to the table that no one else can. With an audience of 20 million meditators worldwide, there are bound to be those with whom you will resonate best. Even with the extensive library that already exists, the ability to niche down to a target audience and tag content for specific focus and goals means that your meditations will be easily found by those who will want to access them and meditate with you as their guide.


I’ve never done anything like this!

Want to bet no one else had on their first try either? It’s all right to simply dive in! Just as you took your first steps in joining Insight Timer as a listener, growth and development will continue to take place as you make forward strides as a teacher. Those who have been in the path before you are happy to share their experiences and tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way, and your listeners will also be able to share helpful feedback as to what they appreciated or what they wish you would incorporate in your recordings. Each meditation you share will boost your confidence and equip you for the next.


How will I come up with new content?

Look inside your heart! Of course you’ll want to listen to your heart and let your passions direct you so that your content is authentic to your voice, but your listeners will also let you know what they want to hear more of. Let your meditations speak to your brand and add value to what you offer your clients, and you will find that the more content you record the more content you will have for follow-up meditations, as you will want to maintain a reasonable timeframe for each one. Better yet, check out our course for Creating Your Own Meditations and learn some tried and true practices that will help minimize the trial-and-error process as you navigate this new endeavor.


I want to help others, but how can I afford to release free content? 

That’s the beauty of Insight Timer’s membership program! Yes, there’s lots of free content available to listeners, but each MemberPlus subscription helps generate funds as revenue streams for the teachers uploading their guided meditations and sound healing recordings. Sharing is caring, and the more your work is downloaded, the larger your audience grows, the more involved you are in the community as you interact with your listeners and their feedback, the more your residual income will increase... yes, even if you keep your meditations free of charge. 


Still not 100% sold?

Take a listen as Erin shares some of the reasons Insight Timer became her absolute favorite app for sharing her guided crystal meditations and why you’ll love it too, whether you write your own meditations, teach beginner yoga, lead healing circles, share mindfulness techniques, or create any other type of healing sounds.

By putting my meditations there [Insight Timer] I’m getting to that exact target audience, that exact community that I want to reach… they will appreciate it; they will enjoy it; it’s a way to help them.

It really doesn’t take a whole lot to get started. If you assess your workspace and the devices you have at your disposal, you probably will surprise yourself as you realize that you already have just about everything you need to upload your first recording onto the app. Then as time progresses and you grow more comfortable in your role as a virtual teacher, you can always add to your equipment and round out your tools even as you continue to develop your skill sets.


If you’d like to learn more about how to create your own meditations on Insight Timer with step-by-step instructions, checklists, and answers, check out this comprehensive guide:

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